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This is a collection of perspectives from our community, as well as education and resources for those who want to learn more. What are we celebrating? What are we working to change? You'll find it all here.

    Stanford Study: The Environmental Cost of Catheterization

    Researchers at Stanford estimated how much waste is generated by single-use intermittent catheters.

    Wellness + Health

    Aurie Announced as a MedTech Innovator Company!

    Aurie was accepted into the 2024 MedTech Innovator Program

    Company News

    Harvard Innovation Labs Launch Lab X GEO

    Aurie has been accepted into the prestigious Harvard Launch Lab X Geo accelerator program!

    Company News

    Catheter 101: No-Touch Catheters & Closed Catheter Systems

    An introduction to the Ferrari of intermittent catheters!

    Wellness + Health

    Aurie's NSF SBIR Phase II Award

    Aurie secures its Phase II SBIR award from the NSF to continue Aurie System development!

    Company News

    Aurie Update: SBIR and Safer Technologies Program!

    Aurie has received the Safer Technology Designation from the FDA for its Reusable Intermittent Catheter System using data from SBIR grants.

    Company News

    Innovating for Independence: A Sneak Peek into Aurie's Approach

    Aurie's Approach to Innovating for Independence

    Company News

    Harvard President's Innovation Challenge Grand Prize Winner!

    Aurie named as Grand Prize winner of Harvard's President's Innovation Challenge and awarded with $75k grant!

    Company News

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